General Information

Sharingwood Aerial Map

Sharingwood is a cooperative community using a model of living called cohousing. Homes are privately owned, with some rental spaces, and an abundance of shared amenities, which include: a 23-acre forested greenbelt with trails, campground, and a stream; playgrounds and a playfield; productive community gardens and fruit trees; and a community center called "the Common House."

Sharingwood is legally organized as a condominium development, but is one of the very few free-standing (or "open-air") condominium complexes in Washington State.

This is a social neighborhood, where people strive to know each other and work together cooperatively. We have many social events, such as community dinners, parties, and meetings. We use consensus decision-making to decide how to work together to run our community.

See Driving Directions.

See also Organization, History, Kids